About App

Windows10 File Manager for everyone

Most of the people use their windows10 system for managing all of their works and stuff. In this term sometimes they have lots of applications and files in their device and their mobile device becomes unmanaged in many conditions. In this situation, they need for an application which can manage all of the fils and the applications. And also allows the file search in a faster way for saving the time which they wasted on the windows10 device .File Manager is Best for them.The user can Easily Install this File Manager App on their windows10 device and it will provide all the features which they want for manage file in windows10 device. Many Feature of File Manager manage your documents what you like, For Example, Access your home PC shared documents on network,Applications can create directories, delete directories, rename directories, and support directory search.

Amazing Features

Provides many file manipulation features

Compress and Uncompress files

Increase computer storage.

Start PowerShell cmd Bash

Quickly launch the powershell dialog.


Connect Network Drive and Format Drive.

Expand Folder

Expand All menu and sub menu.

support some sort function

Support sorting by name, size, type, date.

Windows Layout

Support more windows layout.


+86 18012346789


Austin, Texas

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